Left For Our Spring

I'll carve my thoughts into your frozen,
    Winter's river... It's strange,
To think, that my efforts will leave marks
  ...Which, resemble scarring;
[Appearing almost alien--locked within the
   Glassy layers, which, intern your 'means',
         'Support' and 'serenity']
My message, left to weather in the elements,
           And wilderness--along with its    
              Un-faced trials,
     Woes and tribulations;
As if, an icy cocoon, waiting on the Spring      
           Equinox to bring the motion of Life
               Out of its hibernation...
         And bathe the once-slumbering
In the warmth of a re-born, and awakening
   [Within the throes of
       Remembering the skills necessary for One's own
           survival and sustainability....]
   Hoping that the thaw, which, ushers in
 Our Spring, would free this winding--wise and 
Immortal--river, as well as, the piece of myself
     That I left on those secretive, un-wandered
In hopes, that the embrace, and radiance,
   Of our Solaric star would help to lift my
        Name--my memories; my ideals--up,   
            'On high'...
                [Until only the clouds
                     Surround it--and only the
                 Winds whip against my name;
      As a passenger atop the vortices and      
                Turbulent currents that carry a      
         Season too far away to see...
    It will always have the privilege of playing    
                The mute... Watching as    
     The final moments of one season,   
         Somehow, seem to meld into the
                  Very first seconds of another... ]

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