
Life left in lasting moments…
   Becoming memory…
No choice; no rhyme or reason,
   “Why?” or “how?” these seconds
     Are deemed unique,
And fade, evanescent.
Like our sunsets,
Into the nights of all the
    Years that--have and--are sure to pass,

We try ourselves--and stand in the  
   Shadows cast by monoliths; all bearing
      The telling scars of our endeavors,
Feigning the worth of our  
   Experiences, both “learned” and “lived”,
Failing to perceive the gains
   As we analyze the slivers
  Of our eternity….   

Trusting it is easier to recall
  Instances than enjoying
Things, in life. Like the
  Creation of that point in  
  Time, in which, we either find
  Ourselves--our truths--or
  Steal away from the storms
  And encroaching fears…

They become the rock; security
  In sand--in uncertain
  Hesitance; a loving word
  Or action from someone no longer
  With us… We owe ourselves,
       Completely, for the  
       Comforts carried from
       Our past,
Which, ensures the strength we
  Lean on, fighting….
  The thoughts we summon
  To survive on; a trip that’s taken
  Beyond “form” and “my  
  Untimely end”
Reliving all the places that we visited,
  Reveling in the presence of
  All these forgotten smiles and faces,
  And remove the dulling pace of
  Our lives’ races,
Where we’re lost within what’s so
  Familiar--reminiscing,Even in all of our imaginings of bliss,
   Our “demons” hold onto their importance
   Within this court of :  “what’s  
   Remembered”; lending  the answers that
   We need , but seldom ever seek…
Seething; loud against your static
   Thoughts; they’re always preying...
And though--in heartache--you long
   Because you yearn for an escape,
They allot our minds’ and souls’
   Resilience, as soon as we assert  
   Control and exclaim dominion
   Over the all pain and torment
      That they supply,

You’ll spend a century--or less…  
  Or more. Searching, storing
  And re-filing… Constantly  
  Compiling--in examination;
  An addict to remembrance,
Dancing between-below and  
“Way passed” what is “here”
   And “when is now?”…
Drifting through “replaying-
   Decades”--echoes on the crashing
   Wake; the “hours-upon-hours”
   Of the days you would
   Swear that you had surely
         But then,
You’re filled with feelings that
      Are inciting laughter,  
Lost within the distance’s  
   Ambiguous stares, thinking
   Back to your more nervous minutes
   Upon this earth… Before
   Your wisdom came. Before
       You could remember,

We chase the day and guard time
   As our collateral…
Absorbed by worry--placated; tricked
   Into a hurry, doubtful of the  
       Choices--stacking--as we
       Trek toward “tomorrow’s
But soon--in trails; on paths of
  Shifting confidence…
  We witness a reflection of what  
  Little “character” we still cling to--
       Tucked-in beside our morals…
       Adjacent to what integrity remains;

Our past then donates the will to
      Carry on; without questioning ourselves--
           Not even a second guess…    
                 Leading us toward “honest”…
                         Still learning as we compound
                               The seconds into minutes--
                                         Into memory.

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